Name: Meier
Breed: Shepherd/Rottweiler mix
Rescued From: Texas
Date: 05/12/2017
Organization: Eleventh Hour Rescue
Adoption Location: New Jersey
Meier was found wandering the streets in rural south Texas. Animal control picked him and up and he languished at the shelter for a couple weeks. He kept getting overlooked simply because he was shy and would not come up to visitors who came to the shelter looking for a dog to adopt. Due to persistent overcrowding at this shelter, his time was up. Eleventh Hour Rescue found a foster and rescued Meier. Slowly, he started to open up to his foster and has become a much happier dog though he will likely always be somewhat shy and reserved from the experience he went through so young in life. Meir was adopted out in New Jersey and is living happily with his best friend and doggie brother from another mother.